About the Designers

About the designers

Beth is an Ohio native who teaches students with multiple disabilities at the high school level. A teacher for 24 years, Beth loves her kids, and it was one of her students who introduced her to loom knitting. Beth makes beautiful stitch markers and enjoys all sorts of paper crafts, but loom knitting is her true passion. Beth moderates the Loom Knitters and Loom-a-long Ravelry groups. You can find Beth’s patterns in her Ravelry pattern store: https://www.ravelry.com/stores/led-balloon-designs
Heather Lynn
Heather began loom knitting in 2014 and quickly began dabbling in design as well. She lives in Idaho with her husband, who loves to inspire her with frequent trips to yarns stores. Heather especially enjoys designing small stuffies like her Pudgie pattern series, and looks for ways to add new variations to patterns. Heather moderates the Loom Knitters and Loom-a-long Ravelry groups. You can find Heather’s patterns in her Ravelry Store: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/sources/heather-lynns-ravelry-store

Brenda Myers
Brenda is a retired educational media and technology specialist who lives in the West Georgia area. She shares her geodesic dome home with her husband, two grandchildren and two spoiled dogs. Brenda’s focus in loom knit design is on technique and you will see her methods used by many of the other designers in this book. This is Brenda’s second book for the Great Loom Knitting Project. Brenda loves designing small projects packed with technique she can share with others. Brenda moderates the Loom Knitters and Loom-a-long Ravelry groups. You can find Brenda’s patterns at her Loom Lore blog  http://loomlady.blogspot.com/ and in her Ravelry store. https://www.ravelry.com/stores/brenda-myers-designs
Janet Rekesius
Janet is a loom knitter who likes color work and texture and tries to incorporate both into her patterns. A scientist by training and an artist by nature many projects start as an experiment. Janet lives in New Jersey where she enjoys working on local gardening conservation projects, including raising Monarch butterflies and planting for pollinators. Janet also enjoys cooking, reading and photography. You can find her patterns in her Ravelry store: https://www.ravelry.com/stores/janet-rekesius-designs

Kathy Norris
Just about all of you will have one, if not several of Kathy’s loom knitting books in your library. Kathy is a prolific designer and has published nearly a dozen books with Leisure Arts. This is her second book for the Great Loom Knitting Project. Kathy lives in Texas where in addition to designing, she is a mother, wife, teacher, knitter, beader, reader and weaver. You can find Kathy’s patterns in her Ravelry store: https://www.ravelry.com/stores/kathy-norris-designs
Renee Van Hoy
Renee is a retired attorney, music teacher and English learner specialist who lives in California. Renee taught herself to loom knit in the hospital after losing her sight, and began making up patterns in her head. Renee has a special interest in creating patterns that are accessible to people with vision impairments. She loves learning new stitch patterns and designing shawls. Renee moderates the Loom Knitters and Loom-a-long Ravelry groups. You can find her patterns in her Ravelry store https://www.ravelry.com/stores/renee-van-hoy-designs
Paula Maloney
Paula is our newest designer. She currently focuses on creating patterns that are practical solutions to everyday problems. When Paula cannot find the right loom for a project, she hacks a loom she has to make it work. Paula lives in British Columbia where her bicycle is her car and she collects playing cards. You can find her patterns in her Ravelry store: https://www.ravelry.com/stores/dazzleknits
Scarlett Royale
Scarlett is a stay-at-home mom who finds inspiration from her two darling little ones. Scarlett has nearly 250 designs in the Ravelry database, making her one of the most prolific and creative loom knit designers. Her little animals are a particular specialty, but there is not anything Scarlett has not tried. You can find Scarlett’s patterns on her website The Loom Muse https://scarlettroyale.webs.com/, and in her Ravelry store https://www.ravelry.com/stores/scarlett-royal-designs
Peggy Overbey
Peggy is a very inspirational loom knitter who lives in Florida. She was diagnosed at age two with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a type of Muscular Dystrophy. Peggy’s mother taught her to crochet and she began her design career early, making clothes for her Barbie dolls. Over time, the illness progressed significantly, keeping Peggy from walking or being able to hold on to things. Peggy could no longer crochet. In 2010, she stumbled across loom knitting and realized she would be able to work with looms. Her husband rushed to the store to bring home her first looms, and Peggy has not stopped knitting or designing since. You can find Peggy’s designs in her Ravelry store: https://www.ravelry.com/stores/one-peg-at-a-time

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